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Hit Miss Engines 5
FW Cave Walking Beam
FW Cave Walking Beam
1876 FW Cave
Walking Beam
Steam Engine

Sweetheart Engine
Sweetheart Engine
Engine with
Heart Shaped
Designs in Flywheels

Three eninges in my family
for over 45 years
Technikum Mittweid
Technikum Mittweid

1/2 hp Technikum Mittweid
1 3/4 hp United
Mfg in
Lansing, Michigan

7 hp Jumbo
Mfg by
Nelson Brothers

Ypsi Model
Ypsi Model

Ypsi Model
High School Project
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Stickney Model
Stickney Model

Marine Engines
Caille Liberty Drive Marine Engine
Caille Liberty Drive Marine Engine

***Wanted ***
I am always looking for unusual
antique gas engines
to add to my collection.
I will puchase one or a whole collection
Please give me a call.
I also will give finders fees.
Ed 734-755-3609
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